An Adventure to Uncover Freedom from Oil : OilMacracy

2021 | wood | yellow tetter-totter, see saw, black lettering and Freedom monument in Tehran engraved in wood

SooVac, Minneapolis, MN

“Freedom” is a word in English that, depending on who’s using it, can mean any number of things, and the same is true of azadi, the Persian word for the same. Azadi can carry a number of connotations for types of freedom, from the personal to the political. Here, it refers to the Freedom Tower, the gateway to Tehran commissioned by the Shah | of Iran on the occasion of 2,500th anniversary of the foundation of the Iranian state, and subsidized by five-hundred tycoons, oil men and captains of industry, all of whom had been been made fabulously wealthy under the Shah’s regime. That’s an icon of it on the end of the seesaw that makes up the teeter tater with a text : As one goes up the other goes down.